Thursday, May 2, 2013

Surprising Reads

I love surprise gifts, but I am a very difficult person to surprise.  I just know what people are going to buy for me, probably because I am very specific about things I want.  When someone does manage to surprise me, I always end up loving the result.

So, when I got a mystery package last week, I knew I would love it.

The note on the inside says, "Jess--I found this book at a antique mall after Christmas--it made me think of you!!!  It's not only quotations but it is pretty and green.  Love you, Dad."  My Dad gets me.

This book is full of so many things I love:  it's old, pretty, green, and full of quotes!

Three thousand quotes!

It also has these lovely gilded edges

"No man is at all times wise"

I'm loving flipping through these pages and finding some familiar quotes and some I've never heard before.  This is organized by category although some of them are a little strange (penetration? really?), this is full of gems.

Do you love surprises?  Or old books?


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