Thursday, September 13, 2012

The End of an Era*

Today, I retired from blogging on Weddingbee.  *tears*

My alter ego, Mrs. Pony

I'm sad to no longer be contributing to the hive on a regular basis, but I can now devote all my time to this blog!  This blog, and finding a job.

So, if you've joined me over here from Weddingbee, welcome, I'm so happy to have you here!  I hope you find something that strikes your fancy and keeps you around.  And, if you were already here, I love you and will bake you a cookies for being my friends.

*Who else loves Friends?


  1. "An era counts as a significant length of time. Now, it was significant for me, maybe it wasn't significant for YOU!"

  2. I'll miss your wedding posts, but I'm glad I can keep reading about you here.. :)

  3. I'll miss your wedding posts on weddingbee!! I loved all of your wedding posts. I didn't realize you were kinda sorta local now. You're in DC and I'm in Northern VA! And it sounds like you're the one who made the big move out to this area so if you need any tips on things to do, just let me know! =) Hope you like DC!

    & Friends is amazing.


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